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"Melancholy" (with sketchnote)

1. 2. Melancholia stood out to me the most as it represents the difficulty I went through when I was in elementary school. It relates to...

An Olfactory Diary

Scent 1: My room I can clearly identify this as when I go to my parent's room versus my rooms, they smell different. The smell difference...

Kokoro Noir

“From then on, my thesis hung over me like a curse, and with bloodshot eyes, I worked like a madman.” “ don't really become a finer...

Loneliness in the Modern Age

"Loneliness is the price we have to pay for being born in this modern age, so full of freedom, independence, and our own egotistical...

I Have No Words!

The picture I have provided depicts the definition of mono no aware as it literally includes the word aware, but when you take a look at...

Journal: JOIKING

To what extent can our visceral emotions transcend language? Language makes up a big part of culture. Adding emotions to the culture...


Answering questionnaire and questionnaire on questionnaire. Proust Questionnaire answers Loving what your doing and loving your life in...

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