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Journal: JOIKING

Kellen Tanaka

Updated: May 16, 2019

To what extent can our visceral emotions transcend language?

Language makes up a big part of culture. Adding emotions to the culture would further transcend the language as it creates a way for other people to connect more. Expressing the emotion does not have to be through a language, it can be through any other cultural method of communication such as joiking.

Is it possible to "understand" without comprehending the words?

It is very possible to understand without comprehending the words as something such as joiking that most people wouldn't understand, requires the singer to alter their voices. This alter of the voice can give off different emotions to the listener.

Ida Maria - Gula Gula

Intro - Sense of lost and loneliness and goes on to a sense of self reflection.

Middle - Working silently and working alone. However working hard to achieve something greater.

End - Perishes and all is forgotten about the individual except for their work ethic legacy.

Ella Marie Haetta Isaksen - Maze

Intro - Humbled beginnings.

Intro 2 - Starting to work harder and striating for more.

Middle - Fighting for what's right. Fighting hard.

End - Finishing the job and giving it all you got in the fight. Everything after is all worth the work the individual put in

Overall Conclusion

Language itself does not necessarily need to be understood. However, it is the emotion that comes through with this language. This is done through different tones, pitches, and pronunciation in speaking the language that gives off the emotion itself. Cold music as a name that is assumed as "cold music" and can be considered a language depending on your perspective. There is not one full label of whether or not cold music can be considered a language, it all depends on the person depicting this are there are so many perspectives to take into account. This leads into the next small topic of how or what other things transcend music? The answer to this is you don't transcend the language, rather you transcend the person trying to communicate this language. The reason behind this is language is merely a tool used to communicate. People could communicate through simple body language. As a saying goes "It is not the bat you swung that must getter better, it is you!" Through this it can be said that we must look at the question from a different point of view of not transcending language, rather the individual that uses the language.


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