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Kokoro Noir

Kellen Tanaka

Updated: May 15, 2019

This is a picture of a few giraffes staying still while others are on the move. This relates to the quote bellow as the giraffes moving to get to their destination represents the work ethic depicted in the quote.

“From then on, my thesis hung over me like a curse, and with bloodshot eyes, I worked like a madman.”

This is a picture of a fire place taken at the lodge during the African trip. This relates to the quote as the environment/setting for a reading a book is usually relax and warm and this picture depicts just that.

“ don't really become a finer person just by reading lots of books.”

This photo is of the van with the giraffes in the background. This relates to the quote bellow in that the focusing on the front represents the initial complement made by sensei. However, the background is a representation of the criticism that came after the sentence. Essentially, the focus on the truck represents the initial thought while the background represents the true message that followed.

“You have a fine scholar's way with words, I must say. You're good at empty reasoning.”

This is a picture of giraffes in a darker environment with the clouds rolling over. This relates to the book in that the environment of this picture is on the darker side and the quote refers to the darker environment itself when sensei refers to calling himself lonely.

“I am a lonely man,' Sensei said. 'And so I am glad that you come to see me. But I am also a melancholy man, and so I asked you why you should wish to visit me so often.”

This is a picture of the circus of a water bufollo that was eaten by lions. This relates to the quote below as this buffalo most likely went into the "spiritual realm" and the quote refers to just that.

“Anyone without spiritual aspirations is a fool”

This photo is a picture of a lonely giraffe and it relates to the quote bellow in literally terms in that the lonely giraffe looks to have more freedom and independence in this picture.

“You see, loneliness is the price we have to pay for being born in this modern age, so full of freedom, independence, and our own egoistical selves.”

This picture is of zebras with an amazing background of the sun going down. This represents reflection and relates to the quote below when it refers to memory. Usually when one reflects unconsciously, they have a tendency to remember things.

“The memory of having sat at someone's feet will later make you want to trample him underfoot.”

This is a picture of a giraffe that seems to walk away from the rhino and other giraffe. This relates to the quote below as it seems as if because the giraffe is walking away, it metaphorically represents the protagonist in the book slowly getting sadder about getting less help and then deciding to get less help as time moves forward.

“Sometimes when I can no longer endure the strain, I beg him to tell me what is wrong with me and help me to correct it. Then he always says that I have nothing to correct, assuring me that it is he who is at fault. And I become sadder and sadder until I weep with the desire to know my fault.”

This is a picture of lions eating a water buffalo that they have caught. This relates to the quote bellow in that all animals are good. However, some can suddenly turn frightening such as these lions in the picture when they catch their prey.

“On the whole, all people are good, or at least they're normal. The frightening thing is that they can suddenly turn bad when it comes to the crunch.”

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